Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Adapted PE project

For my adapted physical education class we had to find some sort of assessment tool and present it to our class. I decided to present a handbook titled Physical Best and Individuals With Disabilities: A Handbook for Inclusion in Fitness Programs. This handbook was developed to help provide more knowledge and skills needed to help increase and facilitate the movement experience of individuals with disabilities. Another purpose of the handbook was to modify and change some of the traditional assessments in PE in order to increase inclusion and meet the needs of children with disabilities. One item that was stressed by the handbook was the concentration of assessing the quality of the movement instead of measuring the quantity of the movement. Concentration on the quality of the movement helps to prevent students from performing test receptively using the wrong form than can be very harmful to the individual. Lastly the handbook offered ways to assess individuals with severe disabilities who cannot be assessed by traditional means. The book suggested to use an instructional strategy called task analysis to help assess students with sever disabilities. This can be done by breaking a skill/task down into small sections or ordered steps. An example of this using the bench press would be to assess one movement at a time (Lie on back on bench, place both feet on each side of bench, arms are extended to reach for bar, etc). Overall I really believe that every physical education teacher should be informed of how to assess students with disabilities. This handbook helped inform me of many ways that I can now make assessment in an inclusion setting fun and enjoyable for students with disabilities.

Individual Presentations

I really enjoyed hearing everyones presentations on Tuesday night. Everyone did an awesome job and really had some creative lessons that they taught. You guys all set the bar high, I hope the rest of us present just as good as you all did. Congratulations, you can finally sit back and relax now.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tatical Games Approach

Last week Coach Haley came to our class to give a presentation on tactical games. I really enjoyed his presentation and really believe that I would use this type of teaching model to my physical education class. I thought it was great how the students actually play the game first, and then they themselves come up with ways to modify the game using the teachers assistance. Instead of students just learning one skill at a time, they are learning a wide range of skills while also developing a sense of how these skills are helpful in game like situations. One thing that I really believe that this type of model does is that it decreases general instruction time for the PE teacher. As shown in many studies, PE teachers have a tendency to spend to much time on giving general instructions. Spending an increase time on giving general instructions leads to a decrease of class time being spent on physical activity. The tactical game approach not only helps to decrease general instruction time but it increases physical activity time and student enjoyment. All students in physical education love playing the actual games, and this model helps to do just that. I just wanted to thank Coach Haley for taking the time to present this model to our class.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Interview Process

Since I am going to be interviewing for a job as a PE teacher someday, I really want to be well prepared ahead of time for this process. I was just wondering if anyone knew about if there is a prep workshop or anything that I can go to that can give me some information of how the interview process goes. I have an idea of how it should go but I would really would like more information about it. I am hoping that Springfield College has some type of workshop that can help me with this. So if anyone has an idea, please let me know, thanks.


So this is my 4th time taking the writing portion of the MTEL test. I really hope I was successful this time because I really am getting sick of taking this test and also paying for this test. I past the reading the first time I took it but the writing test is giving me more trouble to complete. I have had a tutor help me with studying for this test but I haven't taken the prep course here at Springfield College yet. Has anyone taken this course, and if they have, how much did it help you? Anyway, I get the results back at the end of this month. I am done with all my grad classes but since I haven't passed the MTEL I can't do my student teaching and that is what I'm really looking forward to. Well hopefully I did it this time.

Group Presentations

Well all the group presentations are done now. Every group who presented did an awesome job. I learned so much about all the models and I now have a wide range of information on how to successfully run them when I become a PE teacher someday. I really loved doing this project and hope that everyone else did as well. Once again great job everyone. I cant wait to see how the individual presentations go.

More Tiger News

Is anyone sick of turning on ESPN or any other news channels and hearing all the Tiger Woods gossip. I really believe all the Tiger Woods news has been going on way to much. Even though he made a mistake I think the ongoing bashing into his personal life is just wrong. People have said that this could have an affect on his career. I mean this is just crazy to hear. He still is and will remain to be the best golfer of all times. What happens in his personal life should be between him and his own family. I mean doesn't the media have more important news to talk about like the current state of our economy. Athletes are and will remain very much in the public eye, and the decisions they make in their personal life will always be revealed one way or another, but to consistently talk about one mans bad choices is just wrong. Can we please start talking about more important things.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

CPR & First Aid

Last night I received my CPR and First Aid certification. I took it at Springfield College with Coach Klatka who is the men's head track and field coach. This class was extremely interesting and important to know. There are many situations where CPR and first aid are vital to know in order to save someones life. Coach Klatka taught us what to do in all of the following situation: drowning, choking, broken back or neck, heart attacks, strokes, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, burns, and many other situations. Another important note that I learned is that once a persons heart stops, the loss of oxygenated blood can cause permanent brain damage and even death. Early intervention of CPR can help keep oxygenated blood flow to many vital organs, that's why it is crucial to know how to administer CPR. I believe that every one should be required to get CPR and first aid certifications. You'll never know it but you just might save someones life someday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well Christmas time is just around the corner. Christmas is by far one of my favorite holidays. My birthday is also during Christmas which was always awesome when I was young because I got double the amount of presents. Anyway, the other night my mother asked everyone at the dinner table to say what is their favorite Christmas song. My favorite Christmas song ever is Christmas Time Is Here which is on the Charlie Brown Christmas album. I would like to ask everyone else in our class the same question, what is all of your favorite Christmas Songs?

Teaching experience

My undergraduate students in the Movement Concepts class are now assessing their peers while they teach lessons. As one student teaches to the class another student uses a teacher assessment form to assess their fellow classmate. After the lesson is over with, the student doing the assessment goes over everything that they thought was good and bad about the lesson and even records a grade on the lesson. I believe that this is a great opportunity for my undergraduate students to take a step back and view what they think are good and bad examples of teaching. Lastly I believe that each observer can learn new ways to be creative through peer assessment in order to make their own lessons better in the future.

Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibility

I thought that Lewis and Virginia did an awesome job with their presentation. Not only was it interesting but the class spider web activity was really fun. The reason why I loved this activity was because it made us work together as a team to complete a common goal. One goal of this activity was that everyone had to be willing to except their peers judgement and criticism. Another objective of this activity was that everyone had to except responsibility for their actions and others. This was also one of the main objectives of the TPSR model. Even though my group couldn't complete the spider web activity we all learned how to work together cooperatively and we all learned that everyone has different strengths that they can bring to the table. Overall I really enjoyed this presentation, great job Lewis and Virginia.