Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Adapted PE project

For my adapted physical education class we had to find some sort of assessment tool and present it to our class. I decided to present a handbook titled Physical Best and Individuals With Disabilities: A Handbook for Inclusion in Fitness Programs. This handbook was developed to help provide more knowledge and skills needed to help increase and facilitate the movement experience of individuals with disabilities. Another purpose of the handbook was to modify and change some of the traditional assessments in PE in order to increase inclusion and meet the needs of children with disabilities. One item that was stressed by the handbook was the concentration of assessing the quality of the movement instead of measuring the quantity of the movement. Concentration on the quality of the movement helps to prevent students from performing test receptively using the wrong form than can be very harmful to the individual. Lastly the handbook offered ways to assess individuals with severe disabilities who cannot be assessed by traditional means. The book suggested to use an instructional strategy called task analysis to help assess students with sever disabilities. This can be done by breaking a skill/task down into small sections or ordered steps. An example of this using the bench press would be to assess one movement at a time (Lie on back on bench, place both feet on each side of bench, arms are extended to reach for bar, etc). Overall I really believe that every physical education teacher should be informed of how to assess students with disabilities. This handbook helped inform me of many ways that I can now make assessment in an inclusion setting fun and enjoyable for students with disabilities.