Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Using questions for learning

Chapter 5 in Metzlers book talks about using questions for learning. Metzler describes many different forms of how PE teachers ask questions. Two specific forms of questions that I would like to talk about is convergent and divergent questions. Convergent questions (also called close-ended questions) are questions that the teacher has only 1 correct answer in mind. An example of a convergent question would be "can you show me the sideline boundary in singles tennis. Divergent questions (also called open-ended questions) are questions that have multiple choices to respond. An example of a divergent question would be "when would you use the high, deep serve in badminton. Although both questions are used a lot by a PE teacher, divergent questions would are the best as described by Metzler. Divergent questions require more thought processing by students. Overall, asking students questions are good ways to engage student in thought and also helps encourage more student understanding of PE content material.

1 comment:

  1. Tom,

    It seems as if you do have a good understanding between divergent and convergent questions...depending on the information that you want to get from the students will determine your type of question...the main thing to remember with asking questions is that they are specific - instead of asking "are there any questions"?

    Dr. Lorenzo
